Government response and strictness

In this section, users can receive comprehensive information about the health and economic situation of their chosen countries by selecting their preferred countries. The first chart specifically shows the incidence and mortality rates of diseases in these countries. These data help us gain a clear picture of the health situation and the impact of diseases in different countries.

The second chart displays the per capita production levels of countries, which is an important indicator for assessing the economic strength of each country. Per capita production is a measure that shows the total value of goods and services produced in a country per person in its population. By using this chart, we can examine the economic differences between different countries and evaluate the level of wealth and economic prosperity in each country.

The combination of these two charts enables us to more precisely examine the relationship between economic status and the incidence and mortality rates. Through these analyses, we can achieve a better understanding of the effects of the economy on public health and make meaningful comparisons between countries. These comparisons can assist policymakers and researchers in finding better solutions to improve public health and reduce negative economic impacts on societal health.