Data analysis related to the spread of Covid 19

The analysis includes time series analysis of new cases and new deaths, depicted on a graph showing changes in the numbers over time from 2021 to 2024. The horizontal axis represents time, while the left vertical axis shows new cases (in millions) and the right vertical axis displays new deaths (in millions). The graph features two data series: new cases (shown in green) and new deaths (shown in red), indicating fluctuations in these metrics over the specified period.

The trends observed suggest that both new cases and new deaths have generally decreased over time, with periodic peaks that may stem from various disease waves or mutations, highlighting the dynamic nature of the pandemic. These declines in numbers are likely attributed to widespread vaccination campaigns, preventive measures, and advancements in treatments. While the general trends are visible in the graph analysis, further insights may be gleaned from underlying data and influential variables affecting these patterns.

Another comparative graph displays total vaccinations against new cases, offering insights into the relationship between vaccination efforts and the incidence of new infections. This analysis reveals a notable increase in total vaccinations over time, corresponding with a gradual decrease in new cases after peak periods, indicating the significant role of widespread vaccination campaigns in curbing the spread of the disease and reducing overall infection rates. The periodic fluctuations in new cases hint at potential challenges arising from new virus variants or evolving vaccine effectiveness, emphasizing the importance of sustained vaccination efforts and public health measures to combat the pandemic effectively.

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